

3月. 31, 2012
10.   承诺和或有事项


In connection with the acquisition in 1997 of the remaining 50%的WCBB资产权益, the Company assumed the seller's (Chevron) obligation to contribute approximately $18,000 每月一次,直到2004年3月, to a plugging and abandonment trust and the obligation to plug a minimum of 20 每年的井数 20 由一九九七年三月十一日开始的年期. 雪佛龙保留了这些油田生产的安全权益,直到完成对雪佛龙的放弃义务. 从2009年开始, the Company could access the trust for use in plugging and abandonment charges associated with the property, 尽管它还没有这样做. As of 3月ch 31, 2012, the plugging and abandonment trust totaled approximately $3,121,000. 截至2012年3月31日,公司已关闭 334 自1997年WCBB开始封堵项目以来,该公司一直在努力改善WCBB油井的状况, which management believes fulfills its current minimum plugging obligation.


路易斯安那州税务局(“LDR”)正在就Gulfport公司在2005年至2007年期间根据固定价格合同出售石油向路易斯安那州支付的开采税进行争议. LDR坚持认为,格尔夫波特支付了大约$1,800,000 在固定价格条件下的开采税比格尔夫波特仅按合同im体育平台官方网站价格支付开采税所需支付的开采税要少. Gulfport否认对LDR欠付遣散税负有任何责任,并坚持认为它有权与不相关的第三方签订固定价格合同,并根据这些合同收到的收益支付遣散税. Gulfport has maintained its right to contest any final assessment or suit for collection if brought by the State. 2009年4月20日,LDR在15日提起诉讼th Judicial District Court, Lafayette Parish, in Louisiana against Gulfport seeking $2,275,729 遣散费,加上利息和诉讼费. Gulfport提交了一份回应,否认对LDR支付的遣散税有任何责任,并在诉讼中为自己辩护. 自提交请愿书以来,LDR一直没有对这一诉讼采取进一步行动,直到最近,当它提出发现请求时,格尔夫波特才做出回应. Gulfport recently served discovery requests on the LDR and received the LDR's responses. 该案件仍处于发现的早期阶段.

2010年12月, LDR在不同的地点对Gulfport提起了两起相同的诉讼,以追回据称在1月1日期间未支付的原油遣散税, 2007年至12月31日, 2010, 连同律师费的索赔. The petitions do not make any specific claim for damages or unpaid taxes. 与2009年LDR提起的第一起诉讼一样, Gulfport denies all liability and will vigorously defend the lawsuit. The cases are in the early stages, and Gulfport has not yet filed a response to the recent lawsuits. 最近, the LDR filed motions to stay the lawsuits before Gulfport filed any responsive pleadings. LDR已告知格尔夫波特,它打算在单独的诉讼中与格尔夫波特和其他处境类似的被告进行和解谈判. There has been no activity on either of these lawsuits for more than a year.



2006年11月,Cudd Pressure Control, 公司. (“Cudd”)对格尔夫波特提起了诉讼, 大白压力控制有限责任公司(“大白”)和六名前Cudd员工在哈里斯县第129司法区, 德州. 该诉讼随后被转移到美国德克萨斯州南区地方法院(休斯顿分院)。. 该诉讼指控Great White雇佣Cudd前雇员违反了RICO规定,并提出了其他几项与之相关的诉讼,并寻求未指明的经济赔偿和禁令救济. 经双方约定, the plaintiff's RICO claim was dismissed without prejudice by order of the court on February 14, 2007. Gulfport filed a motion for summary judgment on October 5, 2007. The court entered a final interlocutory judgment in favor of all defendants, 包括格尔夫波特, 4月8日, 2008. 2008年11月3日,Cudd向美国法院提起上诉.S. 第五巡回上诉法院. The Fifth Circuit vacated the district court decision finding, 除此之外, that the district court should not have entered summary judgment without first allowing more discovery. 这个案子被发回地方法院审理, and Cudd filed a motion to remand the case to the original state court, 哪个动议被批准了?. 2月3日, 2010, Cudd向州法院提交了第二次修订的诉状(a),指控Gulfport与其他被告合谋挪用资金, and misappropriated Cudd's trade secrets and caused its employees to breach their fiduciary duties, (b)寻求未指明的金钱损害赔偿. 4月13日, 2010, Gulfport's motion to be dismissed from the proceeding for lack of personal jurisdiction was denied. 州法院的诉讼程序还在初级阶段. In 2011, the parties have continued with written discovery and production of documents. On February 15, 2011, Cudd filed a third amended petition seeking $26.5 million (based on a report prepared by its expert) plus disgorgement of $6 million in payments by Great White to the individual defendants and 惩罚性损害赔偿. 格尔夫波特否认了这些关于自己的说法. 最近, 当事各方一直在接受更多的证词,预计在当事各方准备9月的审判时,案件将继续活跃.

7月30日, 2010, 六名个人和一家有限责任公司起诉路易斯安那州卡梅伦教区的15家石油和天然气公司,指控被告在其经营场所的表面造成污染 里德等人. v. BP美国生产公司等., 第38司法区. No. 10-18714. 原告要求损害赔偿的原始请愿书, 没有将格尔夫波特列为被告, alleges that the plaintiffs' property located in Cameron Parish, 由于历史上的油气勘探和生产活动,路易斯安那州Hackberry油田受到了污染. 原告声称被告进行了, 指导和参与在其财产上的各种石油和天然气勘探和生产活动,这些活动据称已污染或以其他方式对财产造成损害, 并起诉被告涉嫌破坏石油, 天然气和矿产租赁, 以及涉嫌疏忽, 侵权行为, 未能发出警告, 严格责任, 惩罚性损害赔偿, 租赁负债, 合同责任, 不公正的浓缩, 修复损坏, 评估和应对成本以及污名化损害. 12月7日, 2010, 格尔夫波特收到了原告第一次补充和修改请愿书的副本,其中增加了四名原告和六名被告, 包括格尔夫波特, 被告总数达到21人. It also increased the total acreage at issue in this litigation from 240 英亩到大约 1,700 英亩. In addition to the damages sought in the original petition, the plaintiffs now also seek: damages sufficient to cover the cost of conducting a comprehensive environmental assessment of all present and yet unidentified pollution and contamination of their property; the cost to restore the property to its pre-polluted original condition; damages for mental anguish and annoyance, discomfort and inconvenience caused by the nuisance created by defendants; land loss and subsidence damages and the cost of backfilling canals and other excavations; damages for loss of use of land and lost profits and income; attorney fees and expenses and damages for evaluation and remediation of any contamination that threatens groundwater. In addition to Gulfport, current defendants include ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, Mobil Exploration & 生产北美公司.雪佛龙U.S.A. 公司., 苏必利尔石油公司, 加州联合石油公司, BP美国生产公司, 暴风雨石油公司, 公司.,康菲石油公司,大陆石油公司,WM. T. 伯顿工业公司.美国,自由港硫磺公司,鹰石油公司.S. 路易斯安那州石油公司&美国石油公司和帝国土地公司. 特拉华. 1月21日, 2011, 格尔夫波特公司提出诉状,质疑这些诉状在法律上的充分性,并要求要么驳回这些诉状,要么要求原告修改这些诉状. 在回应 to the pleadings filed by Gulfport and similar pleadings filed by other defendants, 原告提交了第三份修正请愿书,并附有证据,扩大了对争议财产的描述, attaches numerous aerial photos and identifies the mineral leases at issue. 在回应, Gulfport and numerous defendants re-urged their pleadings challenging the legal sufficiency of the petitions. Some of the defendants' grounds for challenging the plaintiffs' petitions were heard by the court on May 25, 2011年被拒绝. The court signed the written judgment on December 9, 2011. Gulfport noticed its intent to seek supervisory review on December 19, 2011 and the trial court fixed a return date of January 11, 2012年提交令状申请. 格尔夫波特提交了监管令状, which was recently denied by the Louisiana Third Circuit Court of Appeal. Gulfport intends to take a writ to the Louisiana Supreme Court on this issue. Gulfport has been active in serving discovery requests and responding to discovery requests from the plaintiffs. It is anticipated that the discovery phase of this case will become more active in the upcoming months. 原告律师希望审判日期定在2013年年中.

 由于目前处于上述诉讼阶段, the outcomes are uncertain and management cannot determine the amount of loss, 如果有任何, 这可能会导致. 诉讼本质上体育平台是不确定的. 在上述一项或多项事项上的不利决定可能对公司的财务状况或经营结果产生重大不利影响.

The Company has been named as a defendant in various other litigation matters. 这些事项的最终解决预计不会对公司的财务状况或合并财务报表中所列期间的经营业绩产生重大不利影响.