

3月. 31, 2012
4.   股权投资

Investments accounted for by the equity method consist 的 following as of 3月ch 31, 2012年和12月31日, 2011:


     2012年3月31日      2011年12月31日  


   $ 829,000       $ 1,030,000   


     8,731,000         8,282,000   


     136,732,000         69,008,000   

投资Bison Drilling and Field Services LLC

     6,361,000         6,366,000   


     2,441,000         2,138,000   

对Timber Wolf码头有限公司的投资

     1,000,000         —     


     7,080,000         —     






   $ 163,174,000       $ 86,824,000   








本公司设有 23.5Tatex Thailand II, LLC(“Tatex”)%的所有权权益. Tatex的剩余权益归韦克斯福德控股的实体所有. Tatex持有 85,122 的 1,000,000 outstanding shares of APICO, LLC ("APICO"), an international oil and gas exploration company. APICO has a reserve base located in Southeast Asia through its ownership of concessions covering 两个 包括Phu Horm油田在内的百万英亩土地. 在截至2012年3月31日的三个月里,格尔夫波特公司共获得了3700万美元200,000 将其在Tatex的总净投资减少到$829,000. The loss on equity investment related to Tatex was immaterial 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012年和2011年.


本公司设有 17.9%的所有权权益. 约 68.7% 的 remaining interests in Tatex III are owned by entities controlled by Wexford. 在截至2012年3月31日的三个月里,格尔夫波特公司共支付了6800美元483,000 将其在Tatex III的总净投资增加至美元8,731,000. 公司确认股权投资亏损$34,000 和$56,000 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012年和2011年, 分别, which is included in loss from equity method investments in the consolidated statements of operations.


该公司通过其全资子公司Grizzly Holdings Inc. (“灰熊控股”),拥有一家 24.9999% interest in 灰熊油砂公司, a Canadian unlimited liability company ("Grizzly"). The remaining interests in Grizzly are owned by entities controlled by Wexford. 自2006年以来, Grizzly has acquired leases in the Athabasca region located in the Alberta Province near Fort McMurray and other oil sands development projects. Grizzly has drilled core holes and water supply test wells in eleven separate lease blocks for feasibility of oil production and conducted a seismic program. 2010年3月, 灰熊在阿尔伯塔省提交了申请, 加拿大在Algar湖开发SAGD设施. 2011年11月, the Government of Alberta provided a formal Order-in Council authorizing the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) to issue formal regulatory approval 的 project. Fabrication and onsite construction on the first phase of development at Algar Lake is currently underway. 在截至2012年3月31日的三个月里,格尔夫波特公司共支付了6800美元67,063,000 将格尔夫波特在灰熊的净投资增加到$136,732,000. 灰熊的流通货币体育平台是加元. 公司对Grizzly的投资增加了$939,000 和$706,000 as a result of a currency translation gain 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012年和2011年, 分别. 公司确认股权投资亏损$278,000 和$255,000 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012年和2011年, 分别, which is included in loss from equity method investments in the consolidated statements of operations.

该公司, 通过灰熊控股, 与灰熊签订了租借协议,1月1日生效, 2008, 不时修改, “灰熊”借此向“公司”借款. Interest was paid on a paid-in-kind basis by increasing the outstanding balance 的 loan. 公司确认利息收入约为$36,000 截至3月31日的三个月, 2011, which is included in interest income in the consolidated statements of operations. 12月7日生效, 2011, Grizzly Holdings entered into a debt settlement agreement with Grizzly under which Grizzly agreed to satisfy the entire outstanding debt by issuing additional common shares of Grizzly with no effect to the composition 的 ownership structure of Grizzly. 在此日期,公司对Grizzly的投资总额增加了$22,325,000 of outstanding advances and accrued interest due from Grizzly, the cumulative $75,000 currency translation loss for the note receivable was adjusted through accumulated other comprehensive income and the note receivable was considered paid in full.

Bison Drilling and Field Services LLC

2011年第三季度,公司购买了a 25% ownership interest in Bison Drilling and Field Services LLC ("Bison") at a cost of $6,009,000,可作调整. Bison的剩余权益归韦克斯福德控股的实体所有. Bison拥有并经营钻井平台. The loss on equity investment related to Bison was immaterial 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012. 在2012年3月31日之后,公司购买了额外的股票 15美国野牛公司%的所有权权益6,152,000使其在野牛公司的总所有权权益达到 40%.


2011年第四季度,公司购买了a 25马斯基控股有限公司(“Muskie”)%的所有权权益,成本为$2,142,000,可作调整. The remaining interests in Muskie are owned by entities controlled by Wexford. 马斯基拥有一定的资产, real estate and rights in a lease covering land in Wisconsin that is prospective for mining oil and natural gas fracture grade sand. 在截至2012年3月31日的三个月里,格尔夫波特公司共支付了6800美元312,000 将其在马斯基的总净投资增加到1亿美元2,441,000. The loss on equity investment related to Muskie was immaterial 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012.

Timber Wolf码头有限公司

2012年第一季度,公司购买了a 50% ownership interest in Timber Wolf码头有限公司 ("Timber Wolf") at a cost of $1,000,000. The remaining interests in Timber Wolf are owned by entities controlled by Wexford. Timber Wolf will operate a crude/condensate terminal and a sand transloading facility in Ohio. No income or loss on equity investment was recognized 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012.


2012年第一季度,公司购买了a 22.5温莎中游有限责任公司(“中游”)%的所有权权益,成本为$7,021,000. The remaining interests in Midstream are owned by entities controlled by Wexford. Midstream拥有 28.4Mid3月天然气有限责任公司体育平台是德克萨斯州西部的一家天然气加工厂. 公司确认的股权投资收益为$59,000 截至3月31日的三个月, 2012, which is included in loss from equity method investments in the consolidated statements of operations.