





格尔夫波特能源 Corporation Announces 2019 Capital Budget 和 New



俄克拉荷马城 (1月17日, 2019) 格尔夫波特能源 Corporation (NASDAQ: GPOR) (“Gulfport” or the “Company”) today announced 其2019年资本预算, 公司董事会已批准了一项新的股票回购计划,将在未来24个月内收购高达4亿美元的已发行普通股. 此授权 紧随其后的体育平台是2018年之前宣布并扩大的2亿美元股票回购计划, 哪个在2018年第四季度结束. Key information concerning the 2019 budget 和 outlook includes the 后:



2019年预算的总资本支出为5.65亿美元至6亿美元,全部由内部资助 现金流.



为ecasted 2019 full year net production is estimated to average 1,360 MMcfe到1,每天400万立方米, 一致的 with the Company’s fourth quarter of 2018 average net production.



为ecasted 2019 full year free 现金流 in excess of $100 million.



宣布了股票回购计划,将在未来一段时间内收购高达4亿美元的流通在外普通股 24个月.

Since joining Gulfport as President, Chief Executive Officer 和 Board member in 12月中旬 2018,大卫·M. Wood与Gulfport的执行团队和董事会密切合作,最终确定了公司2019年的资本预算和运营计划. 董事会 met today to provide final approval of the Company’s 计划.

Mr. Wood, commented, “The past several weeks have been a very busy 和 愉快的时间, 通过与我们的团队合作,以及与我们的许多现有股东交谈,让自己沉浸在业务中. 格尔夫波特有着光明的未来,我期待着领导公司进入下一个发展阶段, 锚定 by capital discipline 和 a focus on shareholder returns.”

Mr. Wood continued, “With the 2019 budget now published, I want to underscore 我们承诺将在未来24个月内通过新授权的4亿美元股票回购计划进一步提升股东价值. The authorization follows closely behind the completion of the 2018 previously announced 和 exp和ed $200 million share repurchase program, 哪个在2018年第四季度结束. 新项目将通过有机产生的自由现金流和某些预期货币化来提供资金 非核心 今天投资组合中持有的资产. Should these monetizations be realized earlier than anticipated, the expected timeline of the repurchase program is subject to acceleration. 此外,回购 该计划可能会扩大到包括任何收到的超过当前预计货币化的资金,并将增加到今天宣布的4亿美元股票回购计划.”


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“我们对2019年自由现金流产生的预测得到了我们保持第四的计划的支持 quarter of 2018 production relatively constant throughout 2019, allowing us to maximize 和 prioritize 现金流 available for our share repurchase program. The current commodity environment is challenged, with depressed natural gas prices in the 近期, an uncertain forecast represented in the strip 和, 正如我们最近所经历的那样, a volatile 和 unpredictable broader im体育平台官方网站 sentiment. We feel that prudent capital spending 和 disciplined capital allocation are distinguishing 我们的业务特点与我们在2019年及以后保持强大对冲头寸的意图相结合, reducing commodity risk 和 providing certainty to anticipated 现金流s,” Mr. 伍德补充道.

“我们在俄亥俄州和俄克拉荷马州的头寸体育平台是我们投资组合中的核心资产,能够产生和增长有吸引力的回报,并具有巨大的杠杆作用 天然气价格的任何改善. 我们预测 较上年同期 改善约$0.25 cents per Mcf in 2020 would further increase our free 现金流 generation by over $100 million, illustrating the opportunity created within our core assets. I believe the mid 和 long-term outlook for North American natural gas producers is favorable, 然而, 我们必须严于律己,勤于行动 向着地平线. 我很高兴今天向您提供我们2019年的预算,并期待在2月底的第四季度和2018年全年收益电话会议上更详细地讨论我们的计划,” Mr. 木头得出结论.


为 2019, Gulfport估计其总资本支出将约为5.65亿至6亿美元, which will be funded entirely within 现金流 at current strip pricing. The 2019 budget includes approximately $525 million 至5.5亿美元的钻井和完井费用&C”) activities 和 approximately $40 million to $50 million for l和 activities. With this level of capital spend, Gulfport forecasts its 2019 average daily net production 会在1的范围内吗,360 MMcfe到1,每天400万立方米, 一致的 with the Company’s fourth quarter of 2018 average net production of 1,392.每天8毫克.

在公司销售其天然气的各个区域定价点利用当前的条形定价, 格尔夫波特预测其已实现的天然气储量 价格差, before the effect of hedges 和 inclusive of the Company’s firm transportation expense, 平均会在0美元的范围内吗.49 to $0.66 per Mcf below NYMEX settlement prices in 2019. Gulfport预计其2019年实现的NGL价格, before the effect of hedges 和 including transportation expense, will be approximately 45% to 50% of WTI 和 its 2019 realized oil price will be in the range of $3.00 to $3.每桶比WTI低50美元.

基于当前条形定价, 格尔夫波特2019年的活动预计将在2019年产生超过1亿美元的自由现金流.


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The table below summarizes the Company’s full year 2019 guidance:








     1,360       1,400  


     ~ 90%  


     ~ 7%  


     ~ 3%  

为ecasted Realizations (before the effects of hedges)


Natural Gas (Differential to NYMEX Settled Price) – $/Mcf

   ($ 0.49   ($ 0.66


     45%       50%  


   ($ 3.00   ($ 3.50



租赁运营费用- $/Mcfe

   $ 0.15     $ 0.17  

生产税- $/Mcfe

   $ 0.06     $ 0.07  

中游采集和处理- $/Mcfe

   $ 0.53     $ 0.58  

一般和行政- $/Mcfe

   $ 0.09     $ 0.11  


   $ 525     $ 550  


   $ 40     $ 50  


   $ 565     $ 600  









Utica -已操作

     10       11  

尤蒂卡, 非手术

     2       3  








     12       14  

独家新闻 -操作

     7       8  

勺, 非手术

     1       2  








     8       10  

净井 Turned-to-Sales


Utica -已操作

     40       45  

尤蒂卡, 非手术

     2       3  








     42       48  

独家新闻 -操作

     14       15  

勺, 非手术

     1       2  








     15       17  


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2019年,格尔夫波特计划继续运营 平均值约为1.在Utica页岩中运营的水平钻井平台. Gulfport计划钻13 - 15口Utica水平井,平均水平长度为11口,700英尺. 此外,格尔夫波特计划 turn-to-sales 47 to 51 gross 和 (40 to 45 net) horizontal Utica wells with an average lateral length of 10,000英尺.

格尔夫波特打算参与 非手术 activities taking place on its acreage by other operators that plan to 钻2 ~ 3口水平井 turn-to-sales 2 to 3 horizontal wells, in each case net to Gulfport’s interest.


2019年,格尔夫波特计划继续运营 平均值约为1.5台在独家新闻操作的水平钻机. Gulfport预计将钻约9至10口总(净7至8口)水平独家新闻井,平均水平长度为8,800英尺. 此外,格尔夫波特计划 turn-to-sales 15 to 17 gross 和 (14 to 15 net) horizontal 独家新闻 wells with an average lateral length of 8,000英尺.

格尔夫波特打算参与 非手术 activities taking place on its acreage by other operators that plan to 钻1 ~ 2口水平井 turn-to-sales 1 to 2 horizontal wells, in each case net to Gulfport’s interest.


在 2018年完成此前宣布的2亿美元股票回购计划, 格尔夫波特公司今天宣布,其董事会已经批准了一项股票回购计划,以收购高达4亿美元的股份 outst和ing common stock within the next 24个月. 回购计划项下的购买可不时在公开im体育平台官方网站或私下协商交易中进行, 并将视im体育平台官方网站情况而定, 适用的法律要求, 合同义务和其他因素. The repurchase program does not require the Company to acquire any specific number of shares. 公司打算利用现有资金根据回购计划机会性地购买股票,同时 maintaining sufficient liquidity to fund its 2019 capital development program. This repurchase program is authorized to extend through December 31, 2020年,并可能不时暂停, 加速, 修改, 延长或终止 随时向董事会汇报.


Gulfport体育平台是一家独立的天然气和石油公司,专注于北美天然气和石油资产的勘探和开发 of the largest producers of natural gas in the contiguous United States. 总部设在俄克拉荷马城, Gulfport在俄亥俄州东部的Utica页岩和俄克拉何马州的独家新闻 Woodford和独家新闻 Springer区块占有重要的面积. In 除了, Gulfport holds an acreage position along the Louisiana Gulf Coast, has an approximately 22% equity interest in Mammoth Energy Services, 公司. (NASDAQ: TUSK) 和 has a position in the Alberta Oil S和s in Canada through its 25% interest in 灰熊油砂公司. 欲体育平台信息,请访问 sj.hkang100.com.


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本新闻稿包括“前瞻性陈述”,以私人证券诉讼改革法案的安全港条款为目的 《体育平台》、《m88体育官方网站提高》第27A条及《m88体育官方网站提高》第21E条. 所有的报表, 除了对历史事实的陈述, included in this press release that address activities, 事件或发展 that Gulfport expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, future capital expenditures (including the amount 和 nature thereof), business strategy 和 measures to implement strategy, 竞争优势, 目标, 的扩张与成长 格尔夫波特的业务和运营, 计划, im体育平台官方网站状况, 提及未来的成功, reference to intentions as to future matters 和 other such matters are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on certain assumptions 和 analyses made by Gulfport in light of its experience 和 its perception of historical trends, 当前状况和预期的未来发展,以及它认为在环境中适当的其他因素. 然而,体育平台是否真实 结果和发展将符合格尔夫波特的期望和预测,并受到许多风险和不确定性的影响, 总体经济, im体育平台官方网站, credit or business conditions that might affect the timing 和 amount of the repurchase program; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to 和 pursued by Gulfport; Gulfport’s ability to identify, complete 和 integrate acquisitions of properties 和 businesses; competitive actions by other oil 和 gas companies; changes in laws or regulations; 和 other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Gulfport. 有关这些和其他因素的信息可以在公司提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中找到, 包括其表格 10-K, 10-Q8-K. Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are 并不能保证格尔夫波特预期的实际结果或发展将会实现, 或者即使实现了, that they will have the expected consequences to or effects on Gulfport, 其业务或运作. 格尔夫波特没有这个打算, 并放弃任何义务, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, 体育平台是否体育平台是新信息的结果, 未来结果或其他.


杰西卡·威尔斯——导演 投资者关系




Adam Weiner / Cameron Njaa


亚当.weiner@kekstcnc.com / cameron.njaa@kekstcnc.com



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